May 19th -20th, 2017

                                     Trenton, Ontario


                               CONFERENCE MEETING

                        Saturday, May 20th, 2017 at 0830 Hours

                                 Trenton - Wooler Elks Lodge #486




1)         Opening- Under the direction of  President Annie Reid, the Esquire

attended the Bible and the President declared the Conference open for any business.


2)         Roll Call- All Officers were present except Secretary Mark Montgomery, Historian Pierre Beaupre and IPPP Tom Headrick.


3)    Rules of the Day- President Annie Reid read the Rules again.

(Section A- Page 3)

4)    Reception of Visitors-

The Grand Exalted was reintroduced to the Assembly.


“He was welcomed with a round of applause”


5)    Minute of Silence for Departed Members was observed.


6)    Registration Report (3rd report) (Section ‘A’ Page 3)


Carl Potter advised there were 10 Lodges represented, there were 46 delegates registered, there were 46 delegates in attendance, and 1 visitor for an attendance total of 47.


 Motion: Wayne Sherlock, seconded by Randy Pond, to accept the Registration report.



0845- Presentation by the Grand Exalted Ruler

          GER Dennis thanked Trenton - Wooler for hosting the Conference. He

then talked about:

Strategic Forward Planning

Respect for Elks (Ladies)

Communication Important (emails will help)

WEB Site (new) lower cost and friendly to use

Canadian ELK Magazine On-Line but can still get mailed to those that do not have a computer (huge cost savings)

November 2016 Food drive great success last year, and hopefully again this year

Hearing Aid Video available

World Financial Group (Jennifer Jones) May become involved with our Curling Bonspiel

Fund for Children Cuts in Budget (investments doing great but just a small spike, hold the course - try to increase donations)

Membership Goal is to increase

Volunteers (people are willing to help so allow they, them may not want to join but utilize them anyway)

His theme this year is ‘Leading the Way’ (Leadership the Key)

Recognize your members as much as possible

He thanked everyone for attending and thanked them for their volunteerism.


        09:07- Esquire attended the Bible- Break

       09:28- Esquire attended the Bible, meeting resumed


0930- Presentation on the Fund for Children by Myles Reid


7)    New Business:

i)   Convention 2018 Ad: Motion:  Wayne Sherlock, seconded by Lloyd Scamell, that the Association place an ad in the 2017 Convention booklet at a cost of up to $300, ad to be prepared by Marketing/Publicity.                 “Carried


 iii)  Conference 2018 Ad: Motion: Terry Hunter, seconded by Ron Hough, that the Association place a full page ad in the Sault Ste. Marie Conference booklet at a cost of $100, Ad to be prepared by Marketing/ Publicity.                                         “Carried


iv)  Endorsement of Host Lodge donation of $500 VOICE for

Youth Habilitation Quinte Inc – an agency that looks after battered women and children

  Motion: Lise Lacelle, seconded by Heather Krauskopf, to          endorse.                                                      “Carried


 The 11 O' Clock Service was performed by President Annie Reid

after the Grand Exalted Ruler called the Hour.


1050- Esquire attended the Bible


8)    Walk-a-Thon: The Conference broke to participate in the

Walk-a-thon around the block near the Trenton - Wooler Lodge


After the Walk-a-Thon, lunch was served.


After lunch, the President had the Esquire attend the Bible and reopen the Conference.


       9)       Final Registration Report: (Section ‘A’ - Page 1)

                   Carl Potter advised that there were 10 Lodges represented, there

were 47 paid delegates, there were 47 in attendance, and 2 visitors for an total attendance of 49.


Motion: Pat Clark, seconded by Lise LaCelle, to accept the final registration Report.                                                                                     “Carried”                      


10)    Forecast of Receipts and Expenditures - Treasurer Don Pezzutto    (Section C- Page 31)


Motion: Bob Russell, seconded by Pat Clark to lift the Forecast of Receipts& Expenditures                                                                   “Carried”           


Motion by Bob Russell seconded by Jane Misener to accept the Forecast of receipts and Expenditures as presented.                 “Carried”


11)   Good of the Order:


i)                   Conference 2018- Sault Ste. Marie Elks # 341- (Page 27)


ii)                Convention 2017 Langley, BC July 19th – 21st, 2017 (Page 28)


                  iii)  Conference Questionnaire (Section C- Page 38)

President Annie Reid spoke on and stressed the importance of the Feedback. President Annie Reid provided time for the delegates to complete the Questionnaire. Thanks for all that filled it out


iv)       Conference Bid Form: (Section C- Page30) With Conference Guide Lines. The Association is seeking a 2019 bid.


Motion: Carol Hunter, seconded by Bob Russell, the Conference approve the Bid for the 2020 Conference as voted on by Echo Bay Elks Lodge #535                                                          “Carried


Auction sale proceeds: being directed to Operating Account.


A total of $1,760.50 was raised. In addition, $168 for pass the box       (Fund for Children) was also raised.


Moved by Randy Pond, seconded by Wayne Sherlock, to remove the   Charity Administration Fee from the Operating (page 26) for        2017/2018 (9.5 section F) for this year only.              “Carried”


                 v)       Presentation of Cheques to the Fund for Children:

The Grand Exalted Ruler and the President attended the Altar and received cheques for the Fund for Children:


Wellington Elks # 566    $        2225.00

Nipigon Elks # 337                    250.00

Echo Bay Elks # 535                  750.00

          Sault Ste. Marie # 341                500.00

Trenton-Wooler Elks # 486      1000.00

                    Ontario Region # 3                   1071.00

                   Total raised :                            $5796.00


vi)   Walk-a-Thon Proceeds: Don Pezzutto advised that we raised

          $2582.05 with 20 walkers. Carol was credited with raising $1295 by   herself. Everyone agreed that it was a huge success.


          “Well done Carol!



                  v)      Presentation of Cheques to the Ontario Charity Fund

The President and the Third Vice-President attended the Altar and

received cheques for the Ontario Charity Fund.


                        Echo Bay Elks #535            $    750.00

North Bay Elks #25            $ 1,500.00

North Bay Jr. Elks               $    500.00

S.S. Marie Elks #341          $ 1,000.00

Glencoe Elks #507             $    000.00

                        Ont. Region #3                    $    203.00

Sarnia Elks #503                 $    500.00   

Wellington Elks #566        $ 1,000.00

Nipigon Elks #337              $    200.00

Randy’s Auto                       $    100.00

Trenton-Wooler Elks#486$    500.00   

            $ 6,253.00

Individual Donations

Montgomery/Barkley       $       25.00   

K. Rushlow                           $       25.00

F. Rosenplot                        $      25.00

D. Bowden                           $      25.00

T. Hunter                              $      25.00

Nipigon Lodge                     $      25.00

 $     175.00 


          TOTAL                                                 $  6428.00




vii)   Presentation of Association Certificates: President Annie Reid

presented the framed Certificates to:


i)                   The Jim Dixon Certificate for the Lodge that initiated and reinstated, as well as kept the most members during the current year was presented to Regional Rep. Norm Sarrasin to give to Nipigon Elks # 337 with a net of ???


ii)                The Wayne Bottenfield Certificate for the Ontario Elks Lodge that raises the most money per capita for the Walk-a-Thon was presented to Carol Hunter  on behalf of Kitchener-Waterloo Elks # 578


iii)             The Ken Gooding Certificate to recognize the member in

Ontario who proposes the most new members initiated in the

                                    Province of Ontario in the calendar year was presented to

                                    Jane Wakefield Thunder Bay


iv)     The George Dayler Certificate to recognize the most life

experienced, most seasoned, best personality, etc., etc. participant involved in the Walk-a-Thon was presented to

                             Ruby Reid.


v)    The Dan Bastien Certificate to recognize the Ontario Elks

Lodge that makes largest annual contribution to the Elks and

Royal Purple Fund for Children in the Fund's calendar year  was presented to Michael Hutchison on behalf of North Bay Elks Lodge # 25



12)   Nominations and Elections (Section A Page 3)

                           The Elections were coordinated by Dennis Ellingboe.


                   Michael Hutchison was nominated by Derek Barkley for President

                   Dave Bowden was nominated for First Vice by Pat Clark

Randy Vincent was nominated for Second Vice by Ron Hough

Rod MacIntyre was nominated for Third Vice by Wayne Sherlock

Brian Krauskopf was nominated for membership by Tim LaCelle

Jane Misener was nominated for Esquire by Michael Hutchison

Carol Hunter was nominated for Chaplain by Terry Hunter

Jane Russell was nominated by Bob Russell for Member at Large to the Charity Committee.


“All were acclaimed”


13)   Confirmation of Appointments for 2017 - 2018 Term: by incoming

Provincial President Michael Hutchison

                           Secretary-   Pat Clark                       Treasurer- Don Pezzutto

                           Historian- Heather Krauskopf        Judiciary- Terry Hunter

                           Marketing/Publicity-Myles Reid      Audit- Kaylee Conway

Finance Chair- Annie Reid               VOICE- Shelly Southwell                         


14)   Endorsement of Conference Actions:

Motion: Terry Hunter seconded by Tim LaCelle, to endorse the actions of the Conference and the Executive.            “Carried”                                         

15) Share the Wealth: The winner of $232.00 was Myles Reid. He

donated his proceeds back to the pot for the Fund for Children.


Well Done, Myles” He received a round of applause.


16)    Announcements by Host Lodge and President

Carl Potter advised that the Lodge needed about 15 minutes to rejig the small hall for Installation and that the Trenton – Wooler members were needed to set up the large hall for the Banquet. Carl advised re: Member’s Bar open, the bar was open here at 6:30 with the Head Table being marched in at 7:00 sharp. After the presentations by the dignitaries, the presentations to VOICE would take place, Music by DJ to follow


17)   Closing Remarks were made by President Annie Reid.

She thanked everyone for their support and for their attendance. She advised that the Post Conference meeting would be held at 08:30 Sunday and wished everyone an enjoyable evening and a safe trip home.


Adjourned at 3 p.m.




18)    Installation of the Ontario Elks Association Officers commenced at

3pm. The Grand Installing Officer was GER Denis Ellingboe, the Assistant Installing Officers was PPP Carl Potter and PPP Wayne Fairman.


19)   Closing Ceremonies- The new Executive, under the direction of

President Michael Hutchinson, closed the Conference in due form.

Esquire attended the Bible.


Meeting adjourned


Post conference to be held @ 8:30 am sharp


Breakfast will be available at 8am at the Lodge